This weekend Jim Zub and Edwin Huang are exhibiting at Image Comic Expo in Oakland, California, celebrating 20 years of Image Comics!
Come by TABLE 51 for autographs, sketches, original art, rare issues, trade paperbacks and the convention-exclusive Skullkickers World Map!
Also, Jim will be on two panels on Sunday afternoon, so make sure you head to those:
12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
Image Introduces…
Some of Image Comics’ most exciting new creators assemble to talk about their new work and life as independent comics creators. Join the creators of Moriarty, Li’l Depressed Boy, Hell Yeah!, Witch Doctor, Peter Panzerfaust, and Skullkickers for an eye-opening conversation about what it’s really like to work in comics.
PANELISTS: Daniel Corey, Sina Grace, Joe Keatinge, Brandon Seifert, Kurtis Wiebe, Steven Struble, and Jim Zub
1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Retailing the New Generation of Comics
With creator-owned hits like The Walking Dead, Morning Glories, and Chew grabbing their places on the sales charts and bringing in new readers to comic shops, the comics industry is excited about new titles and new ideas. What are the best retailers in comics doing to strengthen and support the creator-owned comic revolution while competing with faceless online outlets or big box bookstores? If you’re a comic creator, retailer or fan, we’ll help you understand how to stay on top of the next wave of hidden gems.
PANELISTS: Brian Hibbs (Comix Experience), Steve (Third Eye), James Sime (Isotope), Todd Martinez (Image Comics), Jim Zub (Skullkickers)